Sunday, December 9, 2012

Happy girl

Ella is getting close to 5 months now and I haven't posted much about her!  So here is an update...
She is such a happy baby!  She smiles ALL the time!  It's really quite sweet :-)  We all just love her so much!  Wyatt is super sweet with her.  She's really content, much like her brother was.  At her 4 month appt, she was 14 lbs, which is just above average and she's in the 95th percentile for height...also like her brother.  I hope they enjoy it now, because if you look at their parents, they don't have much hope for height ;-)  She's really strong and loves checking everything out.  Especially her big brother!  It will certainly add to the fun and craziness once they can play together! 

She seems pretty proud that she got her arm through there!

She just melts our hearts! 

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Every day, I am amazed at how much Wyatt talks and the new words he is using.  He is constantly surprising us with new phrases and the kid cracks us up!  And he usually has some cute facial expression to go along with it too :-)
Thought I would share a few of his new ones...

"I'm thinking....."  (which is usually followed by..."about a bear", "crocodile", etc.)
"I hear sumping" or "I hear a boice" (something or a voice)
"I'm gonna throw you in the pond" (yes, I hear this quite often!)
"I'm a cowboy"
"That's different"
"Get gun, shoot crocodile"
"How 'bout....." (this is how he "bargains" for things!)
"Mommy stop that, I'm a boy!"

This is Wyatt being a cowboy...apparently he can put anything on his head and then he's a cowboy :-)

And again, he is a cowboy :-)
Love him!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Camping...take 2

These pictures are of Wyatt & Ella's first camping trips...
Wyatt, on the left, was 2 months old when we camped for July 4th, 2010.
Ella, in the bow :-), was 1 1/2 months old when we camped for Labor Day, 2012.

I knew I had to get the same pic of Ella, since I can't believe how similar they look!
And how fortunate that she had a green bow to match! :-)

Camping this year was a bit crazier than ever before, but I am so thankful that we can begin to create some fun memories as a family!

And here is a pic I snapped of Wyatt while camping when he was supposed to be taking a nap!
He was just too cute I couldn't resist...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Some favorites...

I decided to ask Wyatt about some of his favorite is exactly how he responded :-)

Favorite toy:  "Spencer"  (One of the Thomas trains)
Favorite thing to watch:  "Veggie Tales"
Favorite book:  "Train"
Favorite food:  "Eggs"
Favorite color:  "my crayons"
Favorite sister:  "Ella"
Favorite song:  "baby sister don't cry"
Favorite snack:  "crackers"
Favorite animal:  "penguin, otter, doggy, duck"
Favorite outside activity:  "watering can"
Favorite thing about Ella:  "kiss her"

This kid cracks me up...watering can?  haha  He does do other things than play with watering riding his big wheel...swimming...etc...

Here are some common phrases that Wyatt says....

"Mmmm, dat yummy"
"Oh no, big crocodile coming"
"Watch train?"

Recently my sister Kathy had dropped off some dinner for us (oriental lettuce cup thingys).  I gave Wyatt the noodles and chicken, knowing he wouldn't eat the lettuce.  Well, he said he wanted the lettuce, so I gave it to him & he took a huge bite and said, "mmm, dat yummy", then immediately scrunched up his face, spit out the lettuce and said, "mmm, dat yucky."  :-)

And here is miss Ella, looking as cute as ever...sadly this is an "old" from a couple weeks ago...she has really filled out since then & doesn't even fit in this outfit anymore! :-(
But I just love this pic with her bright eyes!
Ella's current favorites...
And she has really started "talking" to cute!

And here is a picture of MY favorite things :-)
LOVE them!

Monday, August 20, 2012

One of these things is just like the other...

Check out how similar these precious babies are! 
Can you guess which picture is Wyatt and which is Ella?
It's not too hard...but goodness I can't believe how much they look alike! 

Add caption


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Isabella Dora

Our sweet Isabella Dora decided to grace us with her presence a day early!  She was scheduled to arrive via c-section on July 18...however, this little lady got her way when she decided to arrive early on
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 10:51 am.

Here's the story...
I woke up that morning around 3 am with contractions...they didn't seem all that bad, but they didn't let up either...I decided not to wake up Clint right away, in case they went away...and prayed that they would stop...I'm all about schedules and she wasn't scheduled to come yet :-)  Plus, Clint was going to be working an hour away from home that my prayer was that they would stop or that we'd be at the hospital in a few hours.  Sooooo, when they didn't stop, I woke Clint up around 5 and we decided to get around to go to the hospital.  Mom was able to come pick Wyatt up and we were on our way to the hospital.

We arrived around 7:30...the nurse checked me out and I wasn't dilated at all.  I wanted to go ahead with a c-section if she checked with Dr. Morgan, who was on call that day, and when she came back she said we were all set to go!  A c-section had just gone in, so we'd have to wait about 1 1/2 hours.  They took us back to our room to wait and we ended up being next door to my cousin Kyle and his wife Christina, who had just had their baby girl Paige on Sunday.

I labored for the next hour and a half and then went back to the operating room.  It was a bit different this time, knowing what to expect and also knowing that Ella was just fine.  Also different because they had music playing in the operating room when I got in there...this seemed a bit odd...and no joke, when Ella arrived at 10:51 am, 'Welcome to the Jungle' was playing!  

Finally meeting our sweet baby girl was so amazing!  She is just so precious!

Isabella Dora
Born ~ Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 10:51 am
7 lbs  14 oz   20 inches

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Nursery fit for a girl

Although she'll be bunking with us for a's a nice to feeling to have her nursery mostly finished.  Still need to make the curtains and crib rail cover...but other than that I can assume that she'll be dreaming of there's a lot!  And of course some of Wyatt's toys have made it in there while mommy works.

Here name will go over here...but you'll just have a to wait a few more days for that! :-)

Monday, July 9, 2012

What we've been up to...

We are at T- 9 days until we get to meet our sweet baby girl!  I figured that I'd better get some pics up to let you see a peek at what we've been up to since Wyatt's big 2nd birthday!:)

The school year ended and along with that, my time as Director at The Compass ended too.  It was a very bittersweet thing for me, as I have loved being a part of this ministry & the kids there.  But anticipating the arrival of our baby girl, we have a peace from the Lord that it was time for me to stay home with the kids.  What a blessing for me to have been able to take Wyatt along to The Compass, we are truly grateful that it worked out to do that.  But I am definitely looking forward to this next phase of my life as a stay-at-home mom!  It will definitely be a big change for me, not working and all, but we are so grateful that I am able to stay at home with our kids!

So...what have we been up to?  We took a camping trip to celebrate Memorial Day.  Super hot, but lots of fun!  I was definitely introduced to being the mother of a boy...I am pretty sure I have never seen Wyatt so dirty! 

Dirty boy!

We also took a trip to the zoo for Father's Day!  What a nice treat from mom and dad!

Love these guys!!!
Wyatt really enjoyed feeding the giraffe this year!
Wyatt also got to go to swim lessons this year!  It was a lot of fun for both of us!  It was really neat to see him progress and gain confidence!  He had a great time!  And now he LOVES jumping to us in the pool!

Wyatt has also decided that he must sleep with 4 animals now instead of he usually carries them everywhere!  Cracks me he is after waking up one the hair!

Wyatt has also been a big "help" as we get ready for the arrival of his baby sister...he seems excited now, so we'll see if that excitement hangs around once she gets here!  Here he is in the baby seat (I thought he'd get stuck!) and he also found a pacifier...silly boy!

And we celebrated the 4th!  Somehow I've survived this heat!:)

We've been having  such a great summer so far and I know it's going to get even better here in a week!  It has been so much fun to see Wyatt grow and change right in front of our eyes.  It seems like over night he went from putting a couple words together to being such a jabber box!  I love it!  Certainly makes our days very entertaining!  He also loves repeating everything!  I told him the other day that he has a "one track mind" and now he says it all the time!  He even used it in the right context the other day...haha.  Loving this kid and looking forward to loving our baby girl!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Red Tractor Cake!

Wyatt turned 2 on May 1st!!! 
We had such a fun time celebrating his birthday! 
 Everytime I asked him about his birthday, his response was,
"Red Tractor Cake!" 
He was so excited about it and he had such a great time at his party!

It was so sweet watching him blow out his candles...he knew exactly what to do:)
He also really enjoyed the cake pops...he kept saying "pop" "pop".
He was a lot less timid this year with his cake!   He just dove right in!

He is loving all his new "choo-choos", pedal tractor, and all the other fun things he got for his birthday. 
It's been so fun to watch his personality develop and see how he soaks up everything.  Wyatt is such a blessing to us and he is constantly making us laugh!  We can hardly believe that he's already two!  He's becoming such a big boy!  He's going to be such a great big brother and it's been neat to help him understand what that means:)  He'll understand a bit more in a couple months!
I just love our little man!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Growing up

We can't believe our sweet little guy will be turning 2 in less than a couple weeks!  Everyone tells you how fast it goes...but I guess you don't realize it until you see it for yourself.  He is so much fun and fills our life with so much joy!  In this post I've included some pictures taken by my aunt Barb at our annual Martin Family Retreat...what a great time we had!

Wyatt really enjoyed the kiddie pool!  He had lots of fun splashing everyone!
Other things that Wyatt enjoys right now are "choo-choos" and tractors.
He loves watching Thomas and I usually hear "choo-choo on" about a zillion times a day!  (Which means he wants to watch Thomas)

Here we are at good ole Blue Gate in Shipshe...mmmmm!  Wyatt loves to eat!  He usually does really well and isn't too picky.  When I asked him tonight what he wanted to eat he said "toast and cheese" I made him a toasted cheese sandwich...I guess I got it right, cause he ate it!:)  He's also really into dipping things...cracks us up...and he calls dip, "boot" idea funny.  And he's also started trying to drink everything thing, which he pronounces, "drank" :)  Doesn't matter what it is, he tries to "drank" it.

Here are Clint and I before our Easter morning worship time together with the family.  So thankful for our family and our Christian heritage!  Blessed that we have the opportunity to raise our children to know the Lord!  Wyatt is always so cute when it's time to pray...he "prays" first...usually he says, "dee-dee", which means "thank you".  So cute!  He's even been doing a better job at closing his eyes:)  When he was first learning to pray, which seems ages ago, he would pray about 5x before we could eat.  So sweet! 
Here is another one of Wyatt's favorite activities...He just loves to "shoot ball", or "shoot hoop"!  He has been doing such a great job lately of putting more words seemed to just happen overnight.  Mostly it's been "Hi daddy", "Hi mommy", "shoot ball", "ride tractor", "choo-choo on".  He also calls everyone "guy"...which I noticed the other day at the grocery store, when he would say "Hi guy" to all the sweet little old ladies! Ha!  I'm trying to explain to him the difference...we'll see how long it takes for that to catch on.
This last photo just cracks me up...These are my grandparents, with my aunt and uncle, cousins & family...we were trying to get pictures in of the different families...since we were ALL there for our retreat...all 43 of the 2 on the way:)  But here is what Wyatt did during photo time...what a goober, running through the picures!  He never stops...really...never stops.  It's rare that his attention is captured for longer than a few minutes...definitely keeps this mama on her toes!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Boy oh boy... he ever a boy!  He constantly cracks us up:)  Just the other week during lunchtime, he kept saying "bean, bean", while he was pointing at his nose.  So of course I asked him if he stuck a bean up his nose!  His response..."yeah".  Fortunately I was able to get the bean out just by having him blow it out.  Whew!  Now everytime we eat anything small like a bean he acts like he's going to stick it up his nose!

No picture is complete without a finger up the nose!
This past Sunday we spent the afternoon at the park...I think I counted about 3 handfuls of sand that Wyatt ate...and possibly some mulch!  Then I heard one of the other kids laughing and I see Wyatt piling the sand on top of his head!  His scalp was completely covered.  The bathtub was full of sand after that bath!

He must be telling them something very important!

This was how I found Wyatt one day after his nap!  He was very proud to show me that he'd taken off his shirt!
And of course this is the way to eat raspberries!
No horse ride is complete without the sword to go with it!
You don't have 3 hands?!  Just use your mouth!

Wyatt is such a busy boy, he really keeps me on my toes!  It's hard to imagine what a little girl is going to be like!  But we are so excited to find out!:)

3 blessings

3 blessings