Friday, August 24, 2012

Some favorites...

I decided to ask Wyatt about some of his favorite is exactly how he responded :-)

Favorite toy:  "Spencer"  (One of the Thomas trains)
Favorite thing to watch:  "Veggie Tales"
Favorite book:  "Train"
Favorite food:  "Eggs"
Favorite color:  "my crayons"
Favorite sister:  "Ella"
Favorite song:  "baby sister don't cry"
Favorite snack:  "crackers"
Favorite animal:  "penguin, otter, doggy, duck"
Favorite outside activity:  "watering can"
Favorite thing about Ella:  "kiss her"

This kid cracks me up...watering can?  haha  He does do other things than play with watering riding his big wheel...swimming...etc...

Here are some common phrases that Wyatt says....

"Mmmm, dat yummy"
"Oh no, big crocodile coming"
"Watch train?"

Recently my sister Kathy had dropped off some dinner for us (oriental lettuce cup thingys).  I gave Wyatt the noodles and chicken, knowing he wouldn't eat the lettuce.  Well, he said he wanted the lettuce, so I gave it to him & he took a huge bite and said, "mmm, dat yummy", then immediately scrunched up his face, spit out the lettuce and said, "mmm, dat yucky."  :-)

And here is miss Ella, looking as cute as ever...sadly this is an "old" from a couple weeks ago...she has really filled out since then & doesn't even fit in this outfit anymore! :-(
But I just love this pic with her bright eyes!
Ella's current favorites...
And she has really started "talking" to cute!

And here is a picture of MY favorite things :-)
LOVE them!

Monday, August 20, 2012

One of these things is just like the other...

Check out how similar these precious babies are! 
Can you guess which picture is Wyatt and which is Ella?
It's not too hard...but goodness I can't believe how much they look alike! 

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Isabella Dora

Our sweet Isabella Dora decided to grace us with her presence a day early!  She was scheduled to arrive via c-section on July 18...however, this little lady got her way when she decided to arrive early on
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 10:51 am.

Here's the story...
I woke up that morning around 3 am with contractions...they didn't seem all that bad, but they didn't let up either...I decided not to wake up Clint right away, in case they went away...and prayed that they would stop...I'm all about schedules and she wasn't scheduled to come yet :-)  Plus, Clint was going to be working an hour away from home that my prayer was that they would stop or that we'd be at the hospital in a few hours.  Sooooo, when they didn't stop, I woke Clint up around 5 and we decided to get around to go to the hospital.  Mom was able to come pick Wyatt up and we were on our way to the hospital.

We arrived around 7:30...the nurse checked me out and I wasn't dilated at all.  I wanted to go ahead with a c-section if she checked with Dr. Morgan, who was on call that day, and when she came back she said we were all set to go!  A c-section had just gone in, so we'd have to wait about 1 1/2 hours.  They took us back to our room to wait and we ended up being next door to my cousin Kyle and his wife Christina, who had just had their baby girl Paige on Sunday.

I labored for the next hour and a half and then went back to the operating room.  It was a bit different this time, knowing what to expect and also knowing that Ella was just fine.  Also different because they had music playing in the operating room when I got in there...this seemed a bit odd...and no joke, when Ella arrived at 10:51 am, 'Welcome to the Jungle' was playing!  

Finally meeting our sweet baby girl was so amazing!  She is just so precious!

Isabella Dora
Born ~ Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 10:51 am
7 lbs  14 oz   20 inches

3 blessings

3 blessings