Tuesday, June 18, 2013


A couple weeks ago, I finished a 12 week session of griefshare classes.  My dad, sister, & I were able to attend together.  I think that it's been a very helpful experience...to read scripture, gain biblical perspective, hear testimonies, and share with others who are experiencing grief.  We all experienced loss in different ways, but we were all grieving. 
Our last griefshare meeting was about heaven.  During the meeting, this image of mom popped into my head…I knew that it was her in heaven…I just remember seeing clouds and blue sky...The only way I can describe how she looked, was that she had this beaming look of expectation & absolute joy on her face as she looked around at her eternal home…it was a beautiful image.  Thankful that the Lord provided this for me.  I left our last meeting filled with hope.
This is very fitting, because what has stuck out most to me during this difficult and confusing time, is to "grieve with hope".  I guess for me, it's the only way to deal with losing my mom.  Today would have been her birthday.  It's not been easy without her.  And although I wish she could be here to celebrate, I am comforted in knowing that she is celebrating in the most perfect way.

"But we do not grieve as those who have no hope." 1 Thes 4:13

Today in my devotions, "Jesus Calling", there were definitely some comforting words...
"Your hope and your future are rooted in heaven, where eternal ecstasy awaits you."
"Sometimes I grant you glimpses of your glorious future, to encourage you and spur you on."

So thankful for the Lord's sweet presence and peace in this time.  So thankful for the many who are praying for and encouraging our family. 
So thankful that the Lord sustains me and helps me to grieve with hope.

3 blessings

3 blessings