Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Red Tractor Cake!

Wyatt turned 2 on May 1st!!! 
We had such a fun time celebrating his birthday! 
 Everytime I asked him about his birthday, his response was,
"Red Tractor Cake!" 
He was so excited about it and he had such a great time at his party!

It was so sweet watching him blow out his candles...he knew exactly what to do:)
He also really enjoyed the cake pops...he kept saying "pop" "pop".
He was a lot less timid this year with his cake!   He just dove right in!

He is loving all his new "choo-choos", pedal tractor, and all the other fun things he got for his birthday. 
It's been so fun to watch his personality develop and see how he soaks up everything.  Wyatt is such a blessing to us and he is constantly making us laugh!  We can hardly believe that he's already two!  He's becoming such a big boy!  He's going to be such a great big brother and it's been neat to help him understand what that means:)  He'll understand a bit more in a couple months!
I just love our little man!

3 blessings

3 blessings