Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011!!!

I really will be putting some pictures on here soon from the past few that I am on Christmas break, I will definitely have some extra time:)  But for now...just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.....and share a few cute Christmas pics of Wyatt.

These are a few pictures from our little impromptu "photo shoot" for our Christmas card.

It was going really well, and then I thought it'd be cute to give him a present to hold...which he started ripping, I quickly took it away...which made him start, daddy to the rescue...he makes Wyatt laugh so hard...and we ended up getting some super cute pics:)

Here's a family pic from our Christmas Eve celebration with my times

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Where does the time go?

I can't believe our little man is 18 months today!

He has blessed our lives with so much joy and laughter.  What a privilege it is to be his parents! 
Everyday brings something's so fun watching him discover new things.

Recently after eating a cookie, he started running in place and spinning in circles!  He hasn't stopped!
It's hilarious.

I'll be posting some more pics soon!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Speaking of tractors...

I am a little behind with this post...since this is from all the way back in July.

Wyatt got to go to his first tractor pull!  Grandpa Al was pulling at the fair and Wyatt got the chance to watch him!
Here he is getting ready for the pull with daddy's nifty headphones.

Daddy and Wyatt enjoying the pull!

Wyatt and his cousins Riley and Cole.  What a silly bunch!  If you notice, Wyatt's hair is soaked...that's because it was about 1000 degrees sitting there in the grandstands!  And the kid sweats like crazy!

And another photo of the cousins.  Love it:)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

On an International Harvester...

Wyatt got his first combine ride with grandpa Al the other night.  He sure had fun!  I am sure this is just the first of many times:)  Grandpa Al was harvesting beans, so Wyatt will have to go again to see the corn!

"Around here" they pronounce it "cumbine"...and even though I grew up "around here" I pronounce it "combine"...I think it may just be a farmer thing or maybe it's just Clint's family...but I have noticed that I've started to say "cumbine"...which will probably be to the chagrin of our brother-in-law, Philip, who holds my propensity for correctly pronounced words:)

Grandpa even let Wyatt drive the combine!  He's a pretty good driver:)

And of course, showing off his belly button...we're pretty sure it's his security weird.

And he had to press his face against the glass!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Icabod is itchy...

I know this title is a bit silly, but it may give you a clue as to how long Wyatt's attention span is right now...

Meaning that in Dr. Suess world we can get through the letter "I", where Icabod is itchy...and then Wyatt is off to the next activity.  There have been a handful of times where we've gotten all the way to the

but usually it's Itchy Icabod...sometimes we only make it to "David Donald Doo, who dreamed a dozen doughnuts and a duckdog too". 
Oh, Wyatt.

Often we just look at him and wonder what happened to our sweet little baby, who used to just lay there.
Now he's this sweet little boy that never rests.

Thought I'd also give an update on Wyatt's current favorites...

The kid loves to run. Constantly.
He loves pushing as many buttons on the phone before we catch him
and then he chucks said phone to the floor.
He loves throwing. Everything.
He loves taking bites out of the toilet paper.  And pretty much anything else he gets his hands on.
He loves giving the dog hugs.
Loves giving himself high-fives in the mirror.
He loves "helping" mommy.
He L.O.V.E.S. his belly button.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A crafty necessity

Since moving into our new house, there have been numerous projects to finish...stripping wallpaper, painting, major cleaning, get the picture.  There are definitely areas of priority and then there are other things that still need to be tackled...
One of those things that needed tackling was a curtain for Wyatt's room.  I wanted to do something cute, instead of just throwing some blinds up.  So, I thought, why not match his curtain with the crib rail protectors I made.  Well, that meant a trip to Shipshe to find the same fabric...and then finding the time to make curtains, which I've never done...But I did it!  Yay!  So I'm sharing my project with you...

This first picture shows the "curtain" we had put up...which Wyatt lived with for a while...not sure that the snowmen/reindeer blanket really fit in with summer or his room, but it blocked the sun:)  He didn't seem to mind:)

And here it is...the new curtain!  If you look closely, well, not that you really need to, but it seems as though the previous owners just gave up on painting the trim around the window!  After I took these pics I realized half is white, half is cream.  Another project to tackle!

I am noticing a trend in my blogs...I seem to do a few at once and then drop off for a while...I do enjoy sharing what's going on with us...just hard to always find time...
thanks for hanging in to read them...all 3 of you:)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

toilet paper canyons...

You've never heard of a toilet paper canyon?  Well, I may have made up that term...but it's what you get when Wyatt comes in contact with a roll of toilet paper.  In this first picture, he is demonstrating how to play with a roll at grandma's house:) 

This next picture is what I call the toilet paper canyon...
The other day Wyatt grabbed a roll and took a bite...a BIG now as we use our toilet paper...we've got holes.  And today he took another bite...from the same roll...double holes.  This kid cracks me up!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

belly buttons and broccoli.....

Lately, Wyatt has enjoyed entertaining us with stories that neither of us quite understand.  It usually sounds something like "unt, unt, aaaaah".  We still haven't figured out the significance of these words, but it must be important because he sure says them a lot!

Recently we were on vacation with my family in South Haven and stopped at a restaurant where most of the menu consisted of fried food.  So we opted for getting Wyatt some broccoli to go along with some fish.  I have given Wyatt broccoli plenty of times, but being a first time mom, I usually hack it into the tiniest pieces so he won't choke!  But I thought I'd see what he did if I just gave him the whole "tree".  Needless to say, it was a hit... 

I love his shrieks of delight when he gets something completely new or in a different the "tree" or this morning with a strip of toast with PB and banana.  He is just so amazed by new things...LOVE it!

Wyatt also loves to put EVERYTHING in his his little owl, Ollie.
And another fun little story about Wyatt...about a month ago, I was in the kitchen cleaning or something and Wyatt was playing in the pack-n-play.  By "playing" I mean, throwing every single toy out of the pack-n-play and waiting for me to put them back in again.  Well, I realized that he had gotten super quiet, which never happens.  So I thought something was wrong...  The picture below will show you what I found...

Wyatt discovers his belly button!  And is now COMPLETELY obsessed with it!

This is how I often find him now...he really will do this anywhere...shows strangers...if all else fails, just show 'em the belly button...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Family Reunion Part II

I was able to acquire a few more pictures from the reunion so I thought I'd make a part II.  Wyatt got to play a lot with his 2nd cousin Bryce, Lila's younger brother.  I think in the first couple pics they must be discussing who gets to play with what ball...

In these next couple they seem to be discussing how to work this car or who's going to drive it!

And making his daddy proud, driving a pedal tractor...well, being pushed on the pedal least it's not green!:)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Family reunion

 Recently we attended my family's reunion and I thought I'd share some pics that others snapped of our cutie.
Wyatt really enjoyed walking around with a variety of family.  He really also enjoyed throwing the balls he found.  Doesn't he just look so tough?!:)

 He really ejoyed getting in and out of this little car too.

And of course the "kissing cousins" shot:)  Wyatt got a big smooch from his 2nd cousin Lila.  Oh boy...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The many faces of Wyatt.....

I realize it has been FOREVER since I have put up a post. I have these aspirations of being some incredible blog writer, but's pry not gonna happen! Lent me vent, if I may...I get too impatient waiting for pictures to load and then when they do, they're all out of!:)

Also, thrown into the mix of our lives, was moving! What a wonderful blessing that we've been able to sell our house, crash at mom and dad's for a bit, and buy a new home that God dropped into our laps. After planning to build, we are SOOOO thankful that God opened our eyes to this opportunity instead!

Well, enough of my ranting and onto something a bit more entertaining:) Since you're all here for the pictures anyways:) Wyatt is now almost 15 months! Where does the time go?!?! I decided to post an assortment of Wyatt's "faces" since he makes a lot of them! This little man never ceases to crack us up...he is so much fun! Here are just a few of the faces he makes at us...Oh...and you may be wondering.....Why is he in his highchair in ALL of these pictures??? Well.....that's the only time he slows down enough for me to capture these hilarious looks! Enjoy!

Now isn't he just so stinkin' cute?!

Love it!

What a crazy face!!!!!! Can't believe I actually caught this one...

This one he started making recently.....he would do it all the time! To total strangers! HA! Crack me up... We've noticed that now he is doing it when we pray...hmmm. Pretty sure I don't make that face when I pray!

I'll be posting some more soon...I promise...yes, promise! Wyatt does too many silly things that I just have to share them! I also need to share some amazing pictures with you too...My friend Julie, that I used to work with, has gotten into photography and she recently snapped some INCREDIBLE shots of Wyatt...but I'll just send you to her site so you can see them:) Hope you enjoy! She did a great job!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

One. Year. Old.

On May 1 we celebrated Wyatts 1st birthday! It's hard to believe that a year has gone by already! Everyone tells you that it goes by fast and I never believed it until now.

Thinking back over the last year I am so amazed by all the incredible changes Wyatt has gone through. It teaches me even more about how incredible God is. So grateful that He is there in every little detail.

We have been so blessed to have Wyatt in our lives and we are so excited to see how God will work in Wyatt's life this next year and the years to come!

When I think back to the day that Wyatt was born, it feels like yesterday. You can read about that special day here.

We had such a fun time celebrating his first year. Here are some fun pictures that capture his special day!

I decided to go with owls...I love them and they're super cute!:) I had a lot of fun making the cake!

Wyatt making one of his many faces...

Wyatt sure enjoyed his new toys!

He wasn't too sure about the cake...but he got around to enjoying that too!

What a year!

3 blessings

3 blessings