Sunday, March 3, 2013

A tribute

It's hard to believe that it's been three weeks since my mom passed away.  Some days it feels like it's been an eternity.  Some days it feels like it just happened.  Even saying these words feels weird to me...this reality certainly has not sunk in yet.
I am so thankful for the peace that comes only from the Lord and that He is a constant presence through this difficult time.  It is only in His strength that we can walk through this.  Even though I don't understand why God chose to take my mom home so soon, I know that He is in control.  I know that His joy comes in the morning.  I know that He is the God of all comfort.  He will sustain us and carry us.  He is my rock and my refuge.  He is my strength and shield.  I will continue to follow Him and trust in Him.

Here is the tribute that I wrote and read at my mom's funeral...

If You Knew My Mom…
by: Kristy Cripe

If you knew my mom, you knew that she was a JEM. Literally, her initials were JEM, and she would often sign emails this way or just remind me. But really, she was a “JEM”…she was one of a kind.

If you knew my mom, you probably knew how gullible she was. I can think of numerous times when mom received calls at work from a certain younger brother, claiming to be someone who had a serious complaint about their insurance. And all the fun times us daughters or son-in-laws or nephews took advantage of this.
I think she really enjoyed all the teasing.

If you knew my mom, you may have heard her say, “I just don’t have anything to wear”…even though she did, I know that she is just loving the way she looks in heaven.

If you knew my mom, then you probably noticed the twinkle in her eye & her mischievous grin. She often looked like she was up to something…

If you knew my mom, you probably knew she was a middle child. I think this was something she would bring up at times to gain sympathy for being the "neglected" middle child, but I think she secretly enjoyed it.

If you knew my mom, you may have known her by a different name, I’ve heard her referred to as “quite the Judy”, “Judge Judy”, “Chutie Mhay”, “mom”, & my favorites, “grandma Juuuudy”, & “Judy grandma”.

If you knew my mom, you probably knew she was the life of the party. Her smile could light up a room and you knew you were in for a fun time when mom was around. There will be a very noticeable void at our family gatherings. I am so thankful that we have the Lord to fill that void.

If you knew my mom, you knew how competitive she could get when playing games. So much so, I believe her and Jeff were forever banned from playing monopoly. And there may have been a coaster thrown around the dinner table during an intense card game. But I think mom won the biggest game of all…she beat us all to heaven & I’m sure we’ll hear about it when we get there.

If you knew my mom, you knew that she loved her family. She loved my dad and I am so thankful for the love they shared. I know she loved us girls and was proud of us. And I know that she was so thrilled to gain 2 amazing son-in-laws. And I can’t imagine seeing more joy, than they joy she took in seeing her grandkids. She would do anything for the chance to babysit. And watching her face light up as the kids ran to her when they saw her at church and seeing her laugh when sometimes they would trick her and run to grandpa instead. She was so good to them and I am sure going to miss watching her be their grandma. We have so many wonderful memories to cherish because of the love mom and dad had for one another and for the Lord. I am so grateful for the time I had with her and even though it was cut way too short, I am thankful to know that I will see her in heaven someday.

3 blessings

3 blessings