Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wyatt meets Fall...and pumpkins

Since this is Wyatt's first Autumn, I figured that I needed to get his picture taken with some pumpkins! This was easier said than done!:) Here is the progression of our "photo shoot"!

Here is Wyatt's first introduction to pumpkins.....probably the best pic I got...(of course my hand has to be in the shot!)

Wyatt looking a little unsure of his surroundings...

Wyatt discovers crunchy leaves.......

Wyatt trying to eat the leaves.......:) (Of course I HAD to snap the shot before taking the leaf from him!)

And the inevitable....this was what brought our photo shoot to a grinding halt! Not sure if it was the crunchy leaves, the cold, or the fact that I took the leaf away.....But we did get a few cute pics in when daddy got are those....I still think his very first pic was the best:)


  1. They are ALL adorable! Glad I got to see you and Wyatt for a minute this afternoon.


3 blessings

3 blessings