Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wyatt's 9 month appointment

Wyatt finally had his 9 month appointment Friday. It had been cancelled last week, due to the "blizzard". Here are his stats:

Weight: 20 lbs. 8 oz. 50th percentile
Height: 28 3/4" 75th percentile

He is in great health! He had a cold the other week that seemed to last forever, but his Dr. said he sounds and looks great! I am definitely amazed at how quickly he changes...Within the last 2 weeks he went from rocking on his hands and knees to crawling all over and pulling up on his knees. Now he tries to get all his toys out of his basket by himself. Amazing. What a miracle God makes out of each of us. Every night when I see him in his crib I am amazed by how much he has grown in just 9 months...and I wonder what will he be like in another month, in a year, in 10 years...what will he become? I am so thankful for a God who is there with us every step of the way! I can't wait to see who Wyatt becomes!
For some additional enjoyment, I have included a video of Wyatt demonstrating his new way of playing with a toy that he got at Christmas time

1 comment:

3 blessings

3 blessings