Thursday, July 21, 2011

The many faces of Wyatt.....

I realize it has been FOREVER since I have put up a post. I have these aspirations of being some incredible blog writer, but's pry not gonna happen! Lent me vent, if I may...I get too impatient waiting for pictures to load and then when they do, they're all out of!:)

Also, thrown into the mix of our lives, was moving! What a wonderful blessing that we've been able to sell our house, crash at mom and dad's for a bit, and buy a new home that God dropped into our laps. After planning to build, we are SOOOO thankful that God opened our eyes to this opportunity instead!

Well, enough of my ranting and onto something a bit more entertaining:) Since you're all here for the pictures anyways:) Wyatt is now almost 15 months! Where does the time go?!?! I decided to post an assortment of Wyatt's "faces" since he makes a lot of them! This little man never ceases to crack us up...he is so much fun! Here are just a few of the faces he makes at us...Oh...and you may be wondering.....Why is he in his highchair in ALL of these pictures??? Well.....that's the only time he slows down enough for me to capture these hilarious looks! Enjoy!

Now isn't he just so stinkin' cute?!

Love it!

What a crazy face!!!!!! Can't believe I actually caught this one...

This one he started making recently.....he would do it all the time! To total strangers! HA! Crack me up... We've noticed that now he is doing it when we pray...hmmm. Pretty sure I don't make that face when I pray!

I'll be posting some more soon...I promise...yes, promise! Wyatt does too many silly things that I just have to share them! I also need to share some amazing pictures with you too...My friend Julie, that I used to work with, has gotten into photography and she recently snapped some INCREDIBLE shots of Wyatt...but I'll just send you to her site so you can see them:) Hope you enjoy! She did a great job!

1 comment:

  1. Could that kid be any cuter???? Loved all the pictures!


3 blessings

3 blessings